Late Night Mussings

 So here we are in Canada. I just talked to one of my friends who lives on a disability pension. She cannot afford to go into care because it cost $1000.00 a month and her pension is only $600.00 per month. Okay, so here is how I look at this crazy situation.

 Anyone born in Canada, and is over the age of 65, unless they have a government pension, (like all of our MP's) even though she/he/they have lived here their whole damn life, cannot afford to live here after she/he/they????? turn 65. WTF.

But if you come here from somewhere else??????????????? You get free accommodation??????????????????????? Are we serious right now?????????????? This is hardly believable, but yes this is how it is in Canada, the land of the free AND the home of the ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????