There may be a tool for earning profits that is so powerful that you'll never discover a successful entrepreneur without one. This tool is not expensive, can travel with you anywhere, and you already have one. I am talking about the lowly ordinary notepad.
If you assume I'm exaggerating the importance of this little object, go to any online or offline office supply store, take a look at the notebooks and notepads that are on the market.
There will be two basic types in numerous sizes: easy paperback notebooks for college students and complicated vinyl or leather variations for businessmen. Ask yourself this question: Who would buy a $79 leather-based journal while there's a wonderfully appropriate $1.29 notepad that will do the same job?
A person with money to spend. A person who considers it to be very important.
"Recording your thoughts on the fly is a seriously valuable exercise for the art of creating wealth."
Yes, creating wealth can be an Art in itself.
When you have a concept that could make money, or save time, or both, write it down. Regardless of how busy you are, no matter who you are speaking to, or anything else you may be doing, (except driving of course), scribble out five-10 phrases and place the pad away. Do not be embarrassed. It doesn't matter what you write or how scrambled it may seem at the time, put the pad away and look at it later to sort out your thoughts and put the idea into a more readable form.
Even thoughts that appear absolutely out of reach ought to be recorded. How often have you had a conversation with friends that included "I thought of that idea a few years ago, now he (the creator) is a millionaire."
Thanks to the internet, cell phones and computers, you aren't limited to pen and paper. Use the notepad software on your phone or PDA if it has one. Place a shortcut to "Notepad" on the desktop of your computer to quickly jot down ideas while you work.
Another useful approach is to create a special folder in your inbox for notes. Set your email software program to put all messages in it that have topics starting with "idea:" anytime you have a flash of a concept all you have to do is email yourself and your thoughts get neatly gathered in a single region.
Don't let your brilliant ideas slip away. JOT THEM DOWN. In a notepad, on your phone, on your computer or Ipad. You may be surprised at what you come up with.